Dr. Nathaniel Wirt, D.C.
a few minutes everyday made my back stronger and eventually
all the pain disappeared!
My back became stronger than it had ever been. I began exercising, including
walking and jogging, with no back strains resulting. Today I am 55 years old, my
posture is good, and I am healed. The daily inversion stimulated postural and
circulatory changes in my body. Better posture was practiced, (standing
straighter with thighs tightened and shoulders back). This caused my abdomen to
flatten out- no sit-ups or crunches. Other physical changes occurred: My
complexion improved and wrinkles and fleshy parts of my face and neck diminished!"
When inversion is coupled with posture and toning exercises, internal organs
assume their proper position. For example, from left to right, the spleen,
stomach, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder are supposed to rest just under the
diaphragm and "move" with every breath. When organs are not in their best
physiological position, these membranes are compromised, effecting nerve and
blood flow."
“I feel
absolutely safe on the machine and I trust my life to it”

"Personally, I like the idea of inversion. This is quiet different from doing a
yoga headstand which still causes compression of the spine. A whole new
perspective is gained from this practice. One begins to have new understanding
of gravity. In the past, I have gone to a chiropractor to correct misalignment
in the hips, spine and neck. Now, I notice some of these problems are alleviated
from the inversion gym. I use the inversion table about 15 minutes a day in 3
five minute sessions. I feel absolutely safe on the machine and I trust my life
to it when I am on it. This machine simply adds to the quality of my life."

- D. Dyck, North Vancouver, B.C.
Dr. Robert Bouvier, MD
"We have found significant improvement using various inversion techniques which
needs further exploration. However, we are very excited about the results thus
far. After two weeks on the inversion table on a daily basis
urinary incontinence disappeared in two female patients.
We have used the inversion table on chronic bronchitis
as well as asthmatics."
The results have been unbelievable!”

"I've had minor back pain for about 20 years. I've managed to overcome it for
the most part by standing and walking with a slight forward bend to my back.
Well, about 2 months ago everything caught up with me to the point that I
couldn't stand up at all or lay even close to flat without terrible back pain. I
went to a local osteopath who suggested I buy one of your inversion tables to
see if it might help. Well, it did. Tomorrow I start my 5th week of inversion
therapy. I have not taken any Motrin or pain medication for the last three and a
half weeks, have been able to lay flat in bed and stand up straight with minimal
pain for the last 2 weeks, for the first time in more than 20 years! And each
day my back gets a little better! I'm 60 years old and other than the back
problem, in excellent health. I use the inversion table 3 times a day for about
10 minutes each time, doing light stretching and twisting to relax my back
muscles. The results have been unbelievable!"

- D. Wolff, Manchester, MI
Dr. John Huber,
"I have been using your inversion products in my chiropractic office for the past
14 years. Your inversion equipment is the best on the
market, and my patients have benefited greatly from their inversion
"As a junior, I was top
five in the nation and played tennis for Pepperdine University from 1983-1986.
In 1999, I finished my last year of eligibility playing tennis for Auburn
University at Montgomery at the age of 35 years old. When the season began, I
hurt my back playing tennis and had an MRI with a diagnosis of a severe
herniated disc at L5 and L6. I was in such severe pain, I could not get out of
bed. I tried [the inversion table] with instant relief and have never had a
problem since... I played the season with AUM and finished with a 15-1 record in
singles and a 15-1 record in doubles. As a teaching Pro on the court between
6-12 hours a day, I highly recommend using (Inversion Therapy) for prevention of
back problems or relief and healing of a back problem. Every teaching Pro should
use it.
- D. Leal, Montgomery, AL "
“... made my
back stronger and eventually all the pain disappeared!”

"Hanging a few minutes everyday made my back stronger and eventually all the
pain disappeared! My back became stronger than it had ever been. I began
exercising, including walking and jogging, with no back strains resulting. Today
I am 55 years old, my posture is good, and I am healed. The daily inversion
stimulated postural and circulatory changes in my body. Better posture was
practiced, (standing straighter with thighs tightened and shoulders back). This
caused my abdomen to flatten out- no sit-ups or crunches. Other physical changes
occurred: My complexion improved and wrinkles and fleshy parts of my face and
neck diminished!"

" When inversion is coupled with posture and
toning exercises, internal organs assume their proper position. For example,
from left to right, the spleen, stomach, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder are
supposed to rest just under the diaphragm and "move" with every breath. When
organs are not in their best physiological position, these membranes are
compromised, effecting nerve and blood flow."

- Dr. Nathaniel Wirt, D.C.
, http://www.comfortchannel.com/level.itml/icOid/2020, |